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国英双语&国配 今日: 139 |主题: 19537|排名: 5 


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[国语单音轨] [美国][剧情][我的天才宝贝 (1991)][BD-1080P/MP4/2.21G][国语中字][阿里云盘] attach_img agree whblady 2024-2-24 8299 zhengdajuchang 2024-3-10 09:40
[国英多音轨] [美国][灾难][完美风暴 (2000)][BD-1080P/MP4/6.81G][国英双语中文字幕][阿里云盘] attach_img agree whblady 2024-2-23 8444 wdcxf 2024-3-2 11:55
[国语单音轨] [美国][灾难][天崩地裂 (1997)][BD-1080P/MKV/3.43G][国语中字][阿里云盘] attach_img agree  ...2 whblady 2024-2-23 10517 lifuhan 2024-2-29 07:57
[国英多音轨] [美国][剧情][纽约,我爱你 (2008)][BD-1080P/MKV/2.23G][国英双语中文字幕][阿里云盘] attach_img agree  ...2 whblady 2024-2-23 11429 yuhua2010086 2024-3-20 23:29
[国语单音轨] 【清白/翻供】[百度网盘][2020][韩国][1080p][mp4-2.50GB][台配国语/中字] - [售价 170 游币] attach_img agree ccmnn 2024-2-23 8320 359旅 2024-3-21 10:48
[国英多音轨] [法国][动画][大坏狐狸的故事 (2017)][BD-1080P/MKV/23.96G][国英双语中文字幕][阿里云盘] attach_img agree whblady 2024-2-23 7367 光明奶牛 2024-3-11 08:58
[国英多音轨] 【寄生异形】4k 国俄双语5.1声道/中字 俄罗斯 科幻 / 恐怖 - [售价 40 游币] attach_img agree  ...234 lhchenbo 2024-2-23 30729 70后电玩帝 7 天前
[国语单音轨] 【百度云】【警网铁金刚╱布利特】【1968】【MP4-1.03GB】 【国语无字幕】【480P】 - [售价 20 游币] attach_img agree  ...23 星星相惜 2024-2-23 21554 zhonghuasunboy 2024-3-20 20:13
[国语单音轨] 【百度云】公映国语【暗杀/复国者联盟】(韩国)2015.720p.x264.中字.MP4/2.07G - [售价 8 游币] attach_img agree  ...2 rgq 2024-2-22 11662 sherakus 2024-3-2 00:34
[国英多音轨] [美国][动画][玩具总动员完整4部 (1995-2018)][高清4K/MKV/15.2G][国语中字][百度云盘] - [售价 35 游币] attach_img agree  ...2 dreamlin 2024-2-22 18326 ghj456 2024-4-2 00:23
[国语单音轨] [美国][灾难][全球风暴 (2017)][BD-1080P/MP4/1.05G][国语音轨][阿里云盘] attach_img agree  ...2 whblady 2024-2-22 10337 worldcupwz2023 2024-3-2 20:51
[国语单音轨] [美国][喜剧][亲爱的,我把孩子变大缩小系列三部曲(1989-1997)][BD-1080P/MP4/5.68G][国语中字][阿里云盘] attach_img agree  ...2 whblady 2024-2-22 16588 whlfu 2024-3-19 22:18
[国语单音轨] [美国][喜剧][乔乔的异想世界 (2019)][BD-1080P/MP4/3.31G][国语中字][阿里云盘] attach_img agree whblady 2024-2-22 6309 sherakus 2024-2-27 09:09
[国英多音轨] [美国][剧情][一条狗的使命1-2 (2017-2019)][BD-1080P/MKV/5.58G][国英双语中文字幕][阿里云盘] attach_img agree whblady 2024-2-22 4233 appletree830914 2024-3-8 09:47
[国英多音轨] [美国][战争][爱国者 (2000)][BD-2160P/MKV/27.5G][国英双语中文字幕][阿里云盘] attach_img agree  ...2 whblady 2024-2-22 15473 ljy60225 2024-3-4 20:35
[国语单音轨] [德国][剧情][洛卡改变世界 (2019)][BD-1080P/MP4/2.22G][国语中字][阿里云盘] attach_img agree whblady 2024-2-21 5243 sherakus 2024-2-27 09:12
[国语单音轨] [美国][剧情][怒海潜将 (2000)][BD-1080P/MP4/1.19G][国语中字][阿里云盘] attach_img agree whblady 2024-2-21 4321 sherakus 2024-4-7 19:32
[国英多音轨] 【地铁惊魂】[百度云][2009][美国][1080P][MKV-10.2G][国英/中英字幕] agree [版主“忘川河畔”已阅] ...2 Hyunwonmoo 2024-2-21 19479 telishi 2024-3-10 23:36
[国语单音轨] 【百度云】[美国] 食人鱼 Piranha (1978) 1080px264 【国语】mkv 1.69G - [售价 21 游币] attach_img agree  ...23 sanjk 2024-2-21 24532 qmr221 2024-4-9 10:26
[其他] 【内幕交易】日本/1989 agree [版主“忘川河畔”已阅] ...2 rgq 2024-2-20 16806 铁树朱蕉 2024-3-1 21:18
[国语单音轨] [美国][奇幻][巨人捕手杰克 (2013)][BD-1080P/MP4/3.01G][国语中字][阿里云盘] attach_img agree whblady 2024-2-20 7474 filmresource 2024-3-30 20:36
[国语单音轨] [美国][喜剧][精灵鼠小弟 (1999)][BD-1080P/MP4/2.77G][国语中字][阿里云盘] attach_img agree whblady 2024-2-20 7422 sherakus 2024-2-27 09:24
[国语单音轨] [美国][恐怖][忌日快乐(1-2) (2017-2019)][BD-1080P/MKV/10.31G][国语中字][阿里云盘] attach_img agree whblady 2024-2-20 7320 咪咪流浪记 2024-3-7 12:47
[国语单音轨] [美国][科幻][火星救援 (2015)][BD-1080P/MP4/3.33G][国语中字][阿里云盘] attach_img agree  ...2 whblady 2024-2-20 14421 cc897 2024-2-29 14:36
[国语单音轨] [美国][动作][空中监狱 (1997)][BD-1080P/MKV/7.27G][国语中字][阿里云盘] attach_img agree whblady 2024-2-20 9399 worldcupwz2023 2024-3-2 20:52
[国英多音轨] [美国][灾难][飓风奇劫 (2018)][BD-2160P/MKV/4.42G][国英双语中字][阿里云盘] attach_img agree whblady 2024-2-20 7403 sherakus 2024-2-27 09:37
[国英多音轨] [美国][动作][虎胆追凶 (2018)][BD-1080P/MKV/1.8G][国语中字][阿里云盘] attach_img agree whblady 2024-2-20 9491 上帝的女婿 2024-2-29 23:07
[国英多音轨] [美国][剧情][白狮奇缘 (2018)][BD-1080P/MKV/4.49G][国英双语中文字幕][阿里云盘] attach_img agree whblady 2024-2-20 6264 zhengdajuchang 2024-3-13 09:23
[国语单音轨] [夸克免费][世界名著电影16部全国语配音国语版1080P][mp4/63G] attach_img agree  ...2 yyy2019 2024-2-20 14999 qktk777 2024-3-10 17:01
[其他] 七日. Seven Days (韩国)2007 agree [版主“忘川河畔”已阅] rgq 2024-2-20 8418 皖西力军 2024-2-26 09:38
[国英多音轨] 【不毛地带】[百度网盘][1976][日本][720p][mkv-2.05G][国日双语/外挂中字] - [售价 180 游币] attach_img agree  ...2 家德 2024-2-20 17607 a4025343 2024-3-10 17:45
[国英多音轨] 【经典爱情喜剧】【偷心俏佳人】【2001】【BD1080P】【国英双语中字】【百度云资源】【2.49G】 - [售价 20 游币] attach_img agree  ...2 loren 2024-2-19 14630 fsswzjw 2024-3-3 07:04
[国英多音轨] 【四个房间 & 疯狂终结者 & 荷里活有间怪酒店】[百度网盘][1995][美国][1080p][MKV-6.7G][国英双语/简中英文Ass字 attach_img agree  ...2 kelwpj 2024-2-19 19852 wuyong0426 2024-2-22 20:28
[国英多音轨] 【情归新泽西 & 花园之州 & 美丽知己】[百度网盘][2004][美国][1080p][MKV-7.74G][国英双语/简体中文ass/英文A attach_img agree [版主“admin”已阅] ...2 kelwpj 2024-2-19 16709 sherakus 2024-2-27 09:20
[国语单音轨] [美国][奇幻][胡桃夹子和四个王国 (2018)][BD-1080P/MP4/2.23G][国语中字] attach_img agree  ...2 whblady 2024-2-18 10665 wuyong0426 2024-2-22 20:03
[国语单音轨] [法国][剧情][狐狸与我 (2007)][BD-1080P/MP4/2.08G][国语中字] attach_img agree whblady 2024-2-18 7414 zhengdajuchang 4 天前
[国语单音轨] [美国][动作][韩赛尔与格蕾特:女巫猎人 (2013)][BD-1080P/MP4/2.59G][国语中字] attach_img agree  ...2 whblady 2024-2-18 11355 wuyong0426 2024-2-22 20:39
[国语单音轨] [德国][剧情][海蒂和爷爷 (2015)][BD-1080P/MP4/1.96G][国语中字] attach_img agree whblady 2024-2-18 7337 wuyong0426 2024-2-22 20:34
[国英多音轨] [美国][悬疑][孤儿怨 (2009)][BD-1080P/MKV/7.29G][国英双语中文字幕] attach_img agree whblady 2024-2-18 8293 worldcupwz2023 2024-3-2 20:53
[国英多音轨] [英法][剧情][苔丝 (1979)][BD-1080P/MKV/8.64G][国英双语中文字幕] attach_img agree whblady 2024-2-18 6317 wuyong0426 2024-2-22 20:44
[国英多音轨] 【百度-喜剧-美国-1080p-国英双语-8.89G-MKV】三个臭皮匠.The Three Stooges.2012.USA.Bluray.1080p.2AC attach_img agree  ...2 kelwpj 2024-2-17 15680 cc897 2024-2-29 14:37
[国英多音轨] 【动画/百度云】花木兰 Mulan 1998【VCD盘/国英双语】 - [售价 40 游币] attach_img agree thisisanfield 2024-2-17 8299 zhangxueyou 2024-3-18 21:56
[国语单音轨] 年会不能停.2023.HD2160P.AAC.H264.CHS.BTSJ6 新人帖 attach_img agree  ...2 chen66974195 2024-2-17 10341 木林森2023 2024-3-2 19:59
[国英多音轨] [美国][战争][最后的武士 (2003)][BD-1080P/MKV/9.09G][国英双语中文字幕] attach_img agree whblady 2024-2-17 5331 deathyang 7 天前
[国英多音轨] 【海蒂和爷爷】[2015][德国][1080P][蓝光][mkv-19G][公映国语/德语][中文字幕][阿里网盘] - [售价 20 游币] attach_img agree [版主“忘川河畔”已阅] ysltfx751 2024-2-17 2213 jahorn 2024-2-20 19:35
[国语单音轨] [美英][奇幻][格林兄弟 (2005)][BD-1080P/MP4/2.27G][国语中字] attach_img agree  ...2 whblady 2024-2-17 13675 wuyong0426 2024-2-22 20:55
[国语单音轨] [美国][冒险][格列佛游记 (2010)][BD-1080P/MP4/1.87G][国语中字] attach_img agree  ...2 whblady 2024-2-17 13566 lixiao668877 2024-4-7 20:21
[国语单音轨] [法国][喜剧][巴黎淘气帮 (2009)][BD-1080P/MP4/1.37G][国语中字] attach_img agree whblady 2024-2-17 3214 wuyong0426 2024-2-22 20:58
[国语单音轨] [美国][喜剧][101真狗三部 (1961-2003)][BD-1080P/MP4/4.5G][国语中字] attach_img agree  ...2 whblady 2024-2-17 13521 whlfu 2024-3-19 22:25
[国语单音轨] [美国][奇幻][阿拉丁 (2019) ][BD-1080P/MP4/2.98G][国语中字] attach_img agree whblady 2024-2-17 4225 zhengdajuchang 4 天前
[国语单音轨] [法意][悬疑][勾魂慑魄 (1968)][BD-1080P/MP4/3.8G][国语无字] attach_img agree  ...2 whblady 2024-2-16 10615 wuyong0426 2024-2-22 22:23
[国语单音轨] [法国][冒险][丁丁历险记:金毛号宝藏之迷 (1961)][BD-1080P/MP4/1.79G][国语中字] attach_img agree  ...2 whblady 2024-2-16 17765 iamfyjl 2024-2-28 17:08
[国语单音轨] [美国][动作][达·芬奇密码加长版 (2006)][BD-1080P/MKV/1.98G][国语中字] attach_img agree  ...23 whblady 2024-2-16 24583 yhwsc 2024-4-7 20:22
[国语单音轨] [美国][奇幻][查理和巧克力工厂 (2005)][BD-1080P/MP4/2.56G][国语中字] attach_img agree whblady 2024-2-16 7371 cb2890381 2024-4-10 10:02
[国英多音轨] [美国][动作][24小时:末路重生 (2017)][BD-2160P/MKV/3.98G][国英双语中文字幕] attach_img agree  ...2 whblady 2024-2-16 17759 cc897 2024-2-29 14:38
[国英多音轨] 【百度-惊悚-美国-1080p-国英双语-6.79G-MKV】深海异种(上).Creature PART.1.1998.USA.1080p.BluRay.2AC attach_img agree kelwpj 2024-2-15 9562 youcheng 2024-2-21 20:17
[国英多音轨] 【百度-悬疑-美国-1080p-国英德三语-5.02G-MKV】逃跑 & 疑·妈.Run.2020.USA.1080p.BluRay.AC3.2DTS- attach_img agree  ...23 kelwpj 2024-2-13 221027 v孺子牛 2024-2-24 10:19
[国英多音轨] 【阿里云盘】[美国][木乃伊3/龙帝之墓][国英双国语/中文字幕][h264X1080P]5G attach_img agree  ...23 147509580 2024-2-13 22408 cjh199 2024-3-23 21:24
[国语单音轨] 【深海异种】[百度网盘][1998][美国][720p][avi-1.53GB][国语/中字] - [售价 200 游币] attach_img agree 家德 2024-2-13 8377 wsh5630 2024-2-21 20:22
[国英多音轨] [阿里盘][美国][动作][木乃伊3/龙帝之墓]2008[国英双国配/中文字幕][h264X1080P MKV][5G] attach_img agree 147509580 2024-2-12 8223 suzirui18 2024-3-20 18:04
[国英多音轨] [美国][冒险][追鹰日记 (2015)][BD-1080P/MKV/2.34G][国英双语中文字幕] attach_img agree whblady 2024-2-12 8398 潜水的小白龙 2024-2-21 20:23
[国语单音轨] [美国][动作][勇闯夺命岛 (1996)][BD-1080P/MKV/5.25G][国语中字] attach_img agree  ...2 whblady 2024-2-12 19728 月亮之歌 2024-2-21 20:23
[国语单音轨] [美国][喜剧][牙仙 (2010)][BD-1080P/MP4/1.96G][国语中字] attach_img agree whblady 2024-2-12 4312 99yy 2024-2-21 20:24
[国语单音轨] [美国][灾难][海神号 (2006)][BD-1080P/MKV/1.97G][国语中字] attach_img agree whblady 2024-2-12 8325 zhengdajuchang 2024-3-31 08:36
[国语单音轨] [美国][恐怖][午夜食人列车 (2008)][BD-1080P/MP4/2.49G][国语中字] attach_img agree  ...2 whblady 2024-2-11 12621 tarot0000 2024-3-28 12:12
[国语单音轨] [美国][剧情][闻香识女人 (1992)][BD-1080P/MP4/3.52G][国语中字] attach_img agree whblady 2024-2-11 9518 gedemisi 2024-4-7 20:28
[国英多音轨] [美国][喜剧][四个房间 (1995)][BD-2160P/MKV/4.27G][国英双语中文字幕] attach_img agree  ...2 whblady 2024-2-11 13559 zhengdajuchang 2024-3-19 08:57
[国语单音轨] [美国][科幻][未来水世界 (1995)][BD-1080P/MKV/2.74G][国语中字] attach_img agree  ...2 whblady 2024-2-11 12413 asm848 2024-4-7 20:44
[国语单音轨] [我的妹妹不可能那么可爱 国语][[国语][每集约270m] - [售价 30 游币] attach_img agree scp基金会 2024-2-11 8401 a951785606 2024-3-6 08:49
[国英多音轨] 【越狱 第三季 国语版】【mp4】【每集约550m】(麻烦点一下评分) - [售价 30 游币] attach_img agree  ...2 鼻行兽 2024-2-11 10380 worldcupwz2023 2024-3-2 21:35
[国英多音轨] 【越狱 第二季 国语版】【mp4】【每集约550m】(麻烦点一下评分) - [售价 30 游币] attach_img agree 鼻行兽 2024-2-11 7287 guofutian 2024-2-21 20:28
[国英多音轨] 【越狱 第一季 国语版】【mp4】【每集约550m】(麻烦点一下评分) - [售价 30 游币] attach_img agree 鼻行兽 2024-2-11 8483 godai_ssm 2024-2-28 02:11
[国英多音轨] [阿里云盘][美国][动作][佐罗的面具]1998[国英双语/中文字幕][h264X1080P DTS][13G] - [售价 5 游币] attach_img agree  ...2 147509580 2024-2-10 14497 魉皇鬼 2024-2-25 01:06
[国英多音轨] [美国][动作][王牌保镖 (2017) ][BD-2160P/MKV/4.35G][国英双语中文字幕字] attach_img agree  ...2 whblady 2024-2-10 10479 潜水的小白龙 2024-2-17 18:47
[国语单音轨] [美国][剧情][天生一对 (2018)][BD-1080P/MKV/2.41G][国英双语中文字幕] attach_img agree  ...2 whblady 2024-2-10 10541 sawexciew 2024-2-21 20:44
[国语单音轨] [美国][科幻][天地大冲撞 (1998)][BD-1080P/MKV/2.36G][国语中字] attach_img agree  ...2 whblady 2024-2-10 10476 潜水的小白龙 2024-2-21 20:49
[国语单音轨] [美国][犯罪][糖衣陷阱 (1993)][BD-1080P/MKV/4.29G][国语中字] attach_img agree  ...2 whblady 2024-2-10 12434 潜水的小白龙 2024-2-21 20:46
[国语单音轨] [美国][科幻][太空旅客 (2016)][BD-1080P/MP4/1.08G][国语音轨 中文字幕] attach_img agree whblady 2024-2-10 9450 lhn46 2024-2-21 20:49
[国英多音轨] [美国][科幻][失控玩家 (2020)][BD-1080P/MKV/2.3G][国英双语中文字幕] attach_img agree  ...2 whblady 2024-2-10 11467 潜水的小白龙 2024-2-21 20:31
[国英多音轨] [日本][剧情][人证 (1977)][BD-1080P/MKV/6.39G][国日双语中文字幕] attach_img agree  ...2 whblady 2024-2-10 13555 scallop 2024-3-4 11:11
[国语单音轨] 【美剧】【哥谭第一季 国语版】【mp4】【每集约550m】(麻烦点一下评分) - [售价 30 游币] attach_img agree  ...2 鼻行兽 2024-2-10 17548 仙阁暂月 2024-3-26 11:08
[国英多音轨] 特斯拉.Tesla.2020.1080p.BluRay.x264.AAC.国英双语 attachment agree  ...2 CCTV6CHCCMC 2024-2-10 11643 027001648 2024-2-28 21:05
[国语单音轨] [EVA 剧场版 终1080][[国语][4G] - [售价 30 游币] attach_img agree  ...2 scp基金会 2024-2-10 11388 nizhuanyq 2024-3-28 05:03
[国语单音轨] [EVA 剧场版 Q1080][[国语][4G] - [售价 30 游币] attach_img agree scp基金会 2024-2-10 9257 yuzqaki 2024-2-24 19:24
[国语单音轨] [EVA 剧场版 序1080][[国语][4G] - [售价 30 游币] attach_img agree scp基金会 2024-2-10 7238 ming_boy 2024-2-21 23:16
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