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国英双语&国配 今日: 491 |主题: 19562|排名: 5 


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[国英多音轨] [阿里云盘][失踪宝贝(2007)][国英双语][1080P][MKV-4.02G] attach_img agree whblady 2023-12-22 3388 ming_boy 2024-1-2 15:09
[国英多音轨] [百度云]荒野大飚客.Wild.Hogs.2007.1080p.BluRay.H264.AAC-RARBG.国英双语.中字.无水印.mkv.2.07GB - [售价 30 游币] attach_img agree  ...234 小丹尼23 2023-12-22 36884 liwei009565559 2024-1-17 20:44
[其他] [日本][动画][千与千寻(2001)][BD-1080P.MKV/7.39G][国日粤英四语中日字幕] attachment agree  ...2 天使与魔鬼 2023-12-21 11437 vcater 2024-4-5 16:30
[国英多音轨] 变脸 / 夺面双雄《百度云+迅雷》【杜比视界】4k 2160p 国英双语 attach_img heatlevel agree  ...23456..9 xueyi69 2023-12-21 861746 lr1988 2024-4-12 19:15
[国英多音轨] [美国][喜剧][大独裁者(1940)][BD-1080P.MKV/10.94G][国英双语] attachment agree  ...2 天使与魔鬼 2023-12-21 10435 zhzili 2024-1-19 16:11
[国英多音轨] 少年斯派维的奇异旅行.The Young and Prodigious T.S Spivet.2013.FRE-CAN.1080p.BluRay.AC3.DTS attach_img agree  ...2 kelwpj 2023-12-21 16619 mwm 2024-3-14 08:36
[国英多音轨] 失踪宝贝.Gone Baby Gone.2007.USA.Bluray.1080p.AC3.DTS-HD.2A.2L.5S.H265 attach_img agree  ...2 kelwpj 2023-12-21 14698 取名字下片子 2024-3-9 14:27
[国英多音轨] [百度云]末代教父.The.Last.Don.1997.x264.DVDRip.ac3.国英双语.无字幕.无水印.mkv.[共3集]5.56GB - [售价 30 游币] attach_img heatlevel agree  ...2345 小丹尼23 2023-12-21 41974 xilihualaa 4 天前
[国英多音轨] [英国][1979][新天方夜谭][上译][奇幻/冒险][彩色老电影][MP4][2.2G]][1080P/无水印 - [售价 20 游币] attach_img heatlevel agree  ...23456..14 老人人 2023-12-21 1312786 zmlmf1640ddj 14 小时前
[国语单音轨] [阿里云]【寻梦环游记】[2017][美国][1080P][国语中字][2.34G][MP4] - [售价 50 游币] attach_img agree  ...2 hao348926850 2023-12-21 14885 炽冬 2024-4-6 23:30
[国英多音轨] 115网盘 侏罗纪公园1Jurassic.Park.1993.2160p.BluRay.REMUX.HEVC.DTS-X.7.1 4K REMUX 国英音轨 - [售价 100 游币] attach_img agree  ...2 123456hcm 2023-12-20 19626 guojifeng163 2024-2-4 12:05
[国英多音轨] [阿里云盘][决战中途岛(2019)][国英双语中字][1080P][MP4-6.7G] attach_img agree  ...2 whblady 2023-12-20 161073 sawexciew 2024-4-11 11:58
[国英多音轨] [阿里云盘][风语者 (2002)][国英双语中字][1080P][MKV-7.16G] attach_img agree  ...2 whblady 2023-12-20 15787 guangyangjiche 2024-3-23 08:43
[国英多音轨] 【阿里云盘】[虎胆龙威4][美国]2007年[国英双语/中文字幕][h264x1080P MKV]7.7G - [售价 10 游币] attach_img agree  ...2 147509580 2023-12-20 13452 Miller.1113 2024-1-2 15:15
[国英多音轨] [阿里云盘][帝国的毁灭(2004)][国德双语中字][1080P][MKV-10.1G] attach_img agree  ...2 whblady 2023-12-20 13861 tedizucete 2024-3-31 09:02
[国英多音轨] [阿里云盘][兵临城下 (2001)][国英双语中字][1080P][MKV-5.04G] attach_img agree  ...2 whblady 2023-12-20 15594 sawexciew 2024-1-22 15:11
[国语单音轨] [阿里云盘][黑鹰坠落.加长完整版(2001)][国语中字][1080P][MKV-6.63G] attach_img agree  ...2 whblady 2023-12-19 171024 guangyangjiche 2024-1-2 21:51
[国英多音轨] [阿里云盘][钢琴家(2002)][国英双语中字][1080P][MKV-7.57G] attach_img agree whblady 2023-12-19 9493 wujingyi1115 2023-12-21 22:51
[国英多音轨] [阿里云盘][印度经典电影][国印双语中字][1080P][MKV-157G] attach_img agree  ...23 whblady 2023-12-19 261472 liguohao 2024-4-15 22:33
[国语单音轨] [国语韩剧][绿豆传][全24集 22.7G][对应简体字幕外挂 台配国语 MP4][1080P线上版] agree  ...2 iqooyu 2023-12-19 13658 wujingyi1115 2023-12-24 19:18
[国英多音轨] [美国][爱情][廊桥遗梦(1995)][BD-1080P.MKV/14.51G][国英双语中英字幕] attachment agree  ...2 天使与魔鬼 2023-12-18 17632 guangyangjiche 2024-1-2 21:52
[国英多音轨] [美国/以色列][动作][三角洲突击队(1986)][BD-1080P.MKV/19.61G][国英双语中英字幕] attachment agree  ...2 天使与魔鬼 2023-12-18 15743 asd1326 2024-1-9 19:52
[国英多音轨] 115网盘《勇敢的心》1995 4K原盘REMUX [杜比视界] [国英双语] [内封简英双字+双语特效字幕] - [售价 188 游币] attach_img agree  ...2 123456hcm 2023-12-18 14594 太阳泪 2024-1-1 07:32
[国英多音轨] [阿里云盘][三角洲突击队(1986)][国英双语中字][1080P][MKV-20G] attach_img agree  ...23 whblady 2023-12-18 25923 sawexciew 2024-1-22 15:16
[国语单音轨] [阿里云盘][源代码(2011)][国语中字][1080P][MKV-4.06G] attach_img agree whblady 2023-12-18 8576 wujingyi1115 2023-12-21 23:42
[国英多音轨] [迅雷云盘]【变形金刚4:绝迹重生】[动作/科幻][2014][美国][BD1080/MP4-6.78GB][国英双语/中英双字/无水印] - [售价 40 游币] attach_img agree  ...2 鑫奇事 2023-12-18 16664 okcomputer 2024-2-4 14:20
[国英多音轨] 【永无止境】[2011][百度云][美国][1080P][MKV-8.5G][国英无字幕] - [售价 14 游币] attach_img agree  ...2 Hyunwonmoo 2023-12-18 14734 太阳王的时代 2023-12-29 14:26
[国英多音轨] 115网盘 国语音轨《盗梦空间》 Inception (2010)4K REMUX无损封装 封装DTS-HDMA 5.1封装国语音轨 多条特效字幕【69.7GB - [售价 200 游币] attach_img agree [版主“忘川河畔”已阅] ...2 123456hcm 2023-12-17 16461 xinhuang 2024-3-19 21:51
[国英多音轨] 百度云 动作/冒险2008【夺宝奇兵4】国英双语 2.7G - [售价 30 游币] attach_img agree ww_316 2023-12-17 8390 zhaopian506 2024-1-2 15:18
[国英多音轨] 百度云 动作/冒险【夺宝奇兵3】国英双语 1989 斯皮尔伯格经典3.1G - [售价 30 游币] attach_img agree ww_316 2023-12-17 8345 18702109515 2024-2-17 00:15
[国英多音轨] 夺宝奇兵2 1984 斯皮尔伯格经典 国粤双语 2.9G - [售价 30 游币] attach_img agree ww_316 2023-12-17 8370 zhaopian506 2023-12-22 15:33
[国英多音轨] 动作/冒险【夺宝奇兵1】国英双语 斯皮尔伯格经典系列2.8G - [售价 40 游币] attach_img agree ww_316 2023-12-17 9368 fsswzjw 2024-3-4 16:42
[国英多音轨] [阿里云盘][血迷宫(1984)][国英双语中字][1080P][MKV-8.63G] attach_img whblady 2023-12-17 5496 wujingyi1115 2023-12-22 15:34
[国英多音轨] [阿里云盘][魔术师(2006)][国英双语中字][1080P][MKV-12.3G] attach_img agree  ...2 whblady 2023-12-17 14669 wujingyi1115 2023-12-22 15:34
[国语单音轨] [阿里云盘][惊天魔盗团(2013)][国语中字][1080P][MKV-4.33G] attach_img whblady 2023-12-17 7456 beidoxing1 2024-4-8 23:33
[国英多音轨] [阿里云盘][蝴蝶效应导剪版(1-3)][国英双语中字][1080P][MKV-20.6G] attach_img agree whblady 2023-12-17 6384 txdengxiao 2024-3-5 11:11
[国英多音轨] 【阿里盘】[美国][剑鱼行动][国英双国语/中文字幕]2001[H2641080P 3G] attach_img heatlevel agree  ...2345 147509580 2023-12-17 43803 racky 2024-4-14 03:14
[国语单音轨] [阿里云盘][搏击俱乐部(1999)][国语中字][1080P][MKV-4.14G] attach_img whblady 2023-12-17 4394 皖西力军 2023-12-22 15:35
[国英多音轨] [百度网盘]【第一滴血4(加长版)】[动作/战争][2008][美国][BD1080/MP4-3.65GB][国英双语/中英双字/无水印] - [售价 30 游币] attach_img agree  ...234 鑫奇事 2023-12-17 34684 as305393749 2024-4-1 12:32
[国英多音轨] [阿里云盘][冰血暴(1996)][国英双语中字][1080P][MKV-7.8G] attach_img agree  ...2 whblady 2023-12-17 13755 liuandhe007 2023-12-29 21:30
[国英多音轨] [阿里云盘][造雨人(1997)][国英双语多字幕][1080P][MKV-2.56G] attach_img agree  ...2 whblady 2023-12-17 14571 coolbaby 2023-12-29 10:20
[国英多音轨] 国英双语 环游地球八十天 2004 成龙 欧文威尔逊 主演2.5G - [售价 30 游币] attach_img agree  ...2 ww_316 2023-12-17 18646 tomcools54 2024-4-13 22:23
[国英多音轨] 喜剧动作 《上海正午》2000国英双语/简繁中字 2.5G 值得珍藏 - [售价 25 游币] attach_img agree  ...2 ww_316 2023-12-17 11527 hxjhgh 2024-4-13 22:25
[国英多音轨] [美国/英国][剧情][英国病人(1993)][BD-1080P.MKV/16.55G][国英双语中英字幕] attachment agree  ...2 天使与魔鬼 2023-12-16 12556 皖西力军 2024-1-1 07:34
[国英多音轨] 阿提拉 & 匈奴大帝 & 匈奴王阿提拉.Attila.2001.USA-LTU.1080p.BluRay.AC3.DTS.2A.2L.3S.H2 attach_img agree  ...2 kelwpj 2023-12-16 16765 取名字下片子 2024-3-10 22:33
[国英多音轨] 115网盘 午夜凶铃2 贞子缠身 1080p原盘REMUX 封装 东森台配AC-3 2.0音轨 简体中字22.34g - [售价 200 游币] attach_img  ...2 123456hcm 2023-12-16 10530 jisong0429 2024-1-22 10:11
[国英多音轨] [阿里云盘][训练日(2001)][国英双语/多字幕][720P][MKV-3.8G] attach_img agree  ...2 whblady 2023-12-16 12599 lylcn 2023-12-25 09:35
[国语单音轨] [阿里云盘][血钻(2006)][国语中字][1080P][MKV-2.4G] attach_img agree  ...2 whblady 2023-12-16 10516 皖西力军 2023-12-22 15:40
[国语单音轨] [阿里云盘][私奔B计划 (2012)][国语中字][1080P][MKV-3.67G] attach_img agree whblady 2023-12-16 9556 xiangsong919 12 小时前
[国英多音轨] [阿里云盘][吕克贝松电影合集][国英双语中字][1080P][MKV-120G] attach_img agree  ...23 whblady 2023-12-16 231170 coolbaby 2023-12-29 10:23
[国语单音轨] 【百度云】[美国] 最后大亨 The Last Tycoon (1976) 720px264【国语】 mkv 3.93G - [售价 21 游币] attach_img agree  ...234 sanjk 2023-12-16 35899 thy2008 前天 13:54
[国语单音轨] [爱尔兰/法国/冰岛/美国/墨西哥/比利时/英国/中国香港][2019][教授与疯子][1080P][2.9GB][国语] attach_img agree  ...2 CCTV6CHCCMC 2023-12-16 10570 wujingyi1115 2023-12-22 15:41
[国英多音轨] 神奇燕尾服.2002 成龙主演 经典电影值得珍藏 13GB - [售价 20 游币] attach_img agree  ...2 ww_316 2023-12-15 14617 jisong0429 2024-1-22 10:27
[国英多音轨] 新木马屠城记 & 特洛伊的海伦.Helen of Troy.2003.USA.1080p.2AAC.DTS.3A.2L.2S.H264 attach_img agree  ...2 kelwpj 2023-12-15 17945 G1950 2024-3-4 21:53
[国英多音轨] [阿里云盘][人鬼情未了 (1990)][国英双语/外挂中字][1080P][MKV-5.84G] attach_img agree  ...2 whblady 2023-12-15 14642 lylcn 2023-12-25 09:36
[国语单音轨] [阿里云盘][美丽心灵的永恒阳光(2004)][国语中字][1080P][MKV-4.57G] attach_img agree  ...2 whblady 2023-12-15 10532 xiangsong919 2024-4-12 11:17
[国语单音轨] [阿里云盘][洛城机密(1997)][国语中字][1080P][MKV-4G] attach_img agree  ...2 whblady 2023-12-15 14692 Shanhengchen 2024-4-9 09:04
[国英多音轨] [阿里云盘][恋恋笔记本 (2004)][国英双语/中英字幕][1080P][MP4-5.52G] attach_img agree  ...2 whblady 2023-12-15 10448 咪咪流浪记 2023-12-25 13:13
[国英多音轨] [百度云]无语问苍天.Awakenings.1990.1080p.BluRay.H264.AAC-RARBG.国英双语.中字.无水印.mkv.2.45 - [售价 30 游币] attach_img agree  ...23 小丹尼23 2023-12-15 23684 huazijinpu 昨天 21:23
[国英多音轨] [百度云]鹰眼.Eagle.Eye.2008.1080p.BluRay.H264.AAC-RARBG国英双语.中字.无水印.mkv.2.56GB - [售价 30 游币] attach_img agree  ...23 小丹尼23 2023-12-15 21897 fsswzjw 2024-1-23 15:20
[国英多音轨] [阿里云盘][本能(1992)][双国语多字幕][1080P][MKV-2.88G] attach_img agree  ...2 whblady 2023-12-15 16827 xdcjf 2024-2-8 10:52
[国英多音轨] [百度云]危机最前线.Mad.City.1997.1080p.BluRay.H264.AAC-RARBG.国英双语.中字.无水印.mkv.2.37GB - [售价 30 游币] attach_img heatlevel agree  ...23456..10 小丹尼23 2023-12-15 953042 一知足常乐一 2024-1-11 04:44
[国语单音轨] [百度网盘][命运石之门0 24集][[国语][每集约300mb] - [售价 20 游币] attach_img agree scp基金会 2023-12-15 8494 Chrisyang 2023-12-23 13:42
[国语单音轨] [百度网盘][旋风管家第4季12集][[国语][每集约300mb] - [售价 20 游币] attach_img agree scp基金会 2023-12-15 2228 ming_boy 2023-12-23 13:42
[国语单音轨] [百度网盘][旋风管家第3季12集][[国语][每集约300mb] - [售价 20 游币] attach_img agree scp基金会 2023-12-15 7303 ming_boy 2023-12-23 13:42
[国语单音轨] [百度网盘][旋风管家第二季25集][[国语][每集约600mb] - [售价 20 游币] attach_img agree scp基金会 2023-12-15 7291 ming_boy 2023-12-18 21:25
[国语单音轨] [百度网盘][旋风管家第一季52集][[国语][每集约200mb] - [售价 20 游币] attach_img agree scp基金会 2023-12-15 2263 ming_boy 2023-12-19 18:33
[国语单音轨] [百度网盘][狼与香辛料第二季13集][[国语][每集约500mb] - [售价 20 游币] attach_img agree scp基金会 2023-12-15 8330 ming_boy 2023-12-18 21:23
[国语单音轨] [百度网盘][狼与香辛料第一季13集][[国语][每集约500mb] - [售价 20 游币] attach_img agree scp基金会 2023-12-15 8407 jazz2222 2024-3-13 10:07
[国语单音轨] [百度网盘][噬魂师51集][[国语][每集约500mb] - [售价 20 游币] attach_img agree [版主“admin”已阅] ...2 scp基金会 2023-12-15 10421 jisong0429 2024-1-22 10:30
[国语单音轨] [百度网盘][炎炎消防队第一季24集][[国语][每集约500mb] 新人帖 - [售价 20 游币] attach_img agree scp基金会 2023-12-15 7389 皖西力军 2023-12-22 15:45
[国英多音轨] 【饥饿游戏2:星火燎原TheHungerGames:CatchingFire‎】[纯净版.无水印][国英双语.中英双字][百度云][2013][HD-MKV/2 - [售价 20 游币] attach_img agree  ...2 beckchen 2023-12-15 17433 asus0001 2024-2-15 15:19
[国英多音轨] 【侠探杰克1】[BT][2012][美国][BD-1080P.DTS][MKV-5.88G][国英双语/中字] attach_img [版主“寂寞的骄傲”已阅] 寂寞的骄傲 2023-12-14 8298 漂流瓶子 2023-12-31 23:18
[国英多音轨] 【阿里云盘】[美国][特洛伊 导演加长版]2004[国英双语/中文字幕][H2641080p DTS]13G - [售价 15 游币] attach_img agree  ...2 147509580 2023-12-14 19697 jisong0429 2024-1-22 10:29
[国英多音轨] [阿里云盘][终极豪情(惊爆点)][美国1991][国英双语中字][720P][MP4-2.6G] attach_img agree  ...2 whblady 2023-12-14 10558 lylcn 2023-12-25 09:39
[国英多音轨] [阿里云盘][换子疑云(2008)][上译央视双国语/多字幕][1080P][MKV-5.6G] attach_img agree  ...2 whblady 2023-12-14 10567 皖西力军 2023-12-22 15:46
[国语单音轨] [阿里云盘][黑天鹅(2010)][国语中字][1080P][MKV-3.75G] attach_img agree  ...2 whblady 2023-12-14 10556 lylcn 2023-12-25 15:02
[国语单音轨] [阿里云盘][黑色星期天(1999)][国语中字][1080P][MKV-4.9G] attach_img agree  ...2 whblady 2023-12-14 10589 mmlai 2024-1-2 10:06
[国英多音轨] 【斯巴达300勇士】[夸克网盘][2006][美国][1080p][mp4-3.10G][国英双语/中英双字] - [售价 30 游币] attach_img agree  ...2 家德 2023-12-14 13601 leset 2023-12-24 19:18
[国英多音轨] [阿里云盘][盗火线.(1995)][双国语多字幕][1080P][MKV-8.42G] attach_img agree  ...2 whblady 2023-12-13 13680 zzroom 2024-1-30 20:26
[国英多音轨] [阿里云盘][楚门的世界.(1998)][国英双语中字][1080P][MKV-4.65G] attach_img agree  ...2 whblady 2023-12-13 17827 zhengdajuchang 2024-3-12 08:55
[国英多音轨] [阿里云盘][城市英雄(1993)][国英双语/外挂中字][1080P][MKV-2.63G] attach_img agree  ...2 whblady 2023-12-13 13711 champion001 2023-12-15 01:54
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