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国英双语&国配 今日: 39 |主题: 19591|排名: 5 


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[国语单音轨] [阿里云盘][意大利人在俄罗斯的奇遇(1974)][国语中字][1080P][MKV-4.53G] attach_img agree  ...2 whblady 2023-12-24 15747 wshany2008 4 天前
[国语单音轨] 英版高码《绝密档案》国英双语洗版1080P原盘REMUX [ 央视国配/简繁国配中字]【32.49GB】 attach_img heatlevel agree  ...234 123456hcm 2023-12-23 351580 jsxnfbcxw 2024-2-7 08:24
[国语单音轨] 【百度云】【逍遥法外第五季 国语版】【mp4】【每集约800m】(麻烦点一下评分) - [售价 30 游币] attach_img agree 鼻行兽 2023-12-23 7451 zhaopian506 2023-12-24 23:54
[国语单音轨] 【百度云】【逍遥法外第四季 国语版】【mp4】【每集约800m】(麻烦点一下评分) - [售价 30 游币] attach_img agree 鼻行兽 2023-12-23 6490 zhaopian506 2023-12-24 23:53
[国语单音轨] 【百度云】【逍遥法外第三季 国语版】【mp4】【每集约800m】(麻烦点一下评分) - [售价 30 游币] attach_img agree 鼻行兽 2023-12-23 3350 aping6564 2024-1-1 08:04
[国语单音轨] 【百度云】【逍遥法外第二季 国语版】【mp4】【每集约800m】(麻烦点一下评分) - [售价 30 游币] attach_img agree 鼻行兽 2023-12-23 5353 zhaopian506 2023-12-24 23:51
[国语单音轨] 【百度云】【逍遥法外第一季 国语版】【mp4】【每集约800m】(麻烦点一下评分) - [售价 30 游币] attach_img agree  ...2 鼻行兽 2023-12-23 10847 wwsnet 2023-12-25 21:31
[国语单音轨] 【总统要出嫁/总统浪漫史】[百度网盘][2004][韩国][1080p][mp4-3.81GB][台配国语/中字] - [售价 70 游币] attach_img agree  ...2 家德 2023-12-23 15675 cc72cwy 2024-1-8 18:23
[国语单音轨] [阿里云盘][猎杀U-571(2000)][国语中字][1080P][MP4-6.47G] attach_img agree whblady 2023-12-22 5451 beckhamjoe 2024-4-10 10:41
[国语单音轨] [阿里云盘][狂怒(2014)][国语中字][1080P][MKV-4.73G] attach_img agree whblady 2023-12-22 6483 guangyangjiche 2024-1-2 15:10
[国语单音轨] [阿里云]【寻梦环游记】[2017][美国][1080P][国语中字][2.34G][MP4] - [售价 50 游币] attach_img agree  ...2 hao348926850 2023-12-21 14908 炽冬 2024-4-6 23:30
[国语单音轨] [阿里云盘][黑鹰坠落.加长完整版(2001)][国语中字][1080P][MKV-6.63G] attach_img agree  ...2 whblady 2023-12-19 171041 guangyangjiche 2024-1-2 21:51
[国语单音轨] [国语韩剧][绿豆传][全24集 22.7G][对应简体字幕外挂 台配国语 MP4][1080P线上版] agree  ...2 iqooyu 2023-12-19 13674 wujingyi1115 2023-12-24 19:18
[国语单音轨] [阿里云盘][源代码(2011)][国语中字][1080P][MKV-4.06G] attach_img agree whblady 2023-12-18 8595 wujingyi1115 2023-12-21 23:42
[国语单音轨] [阿里云盘][惊天魔盗团(2013)][国语中字][1080P][MKV-4.33G] attach_img whblady 2023-12-17 7482 beidoxing1 2024-4-8 23:33
[国语单音轨] [阿里云盘][搏击俱乐部(1999)][国语中字][1080P][MKV-4.14G] attach_img whblady 2023-12-17 4428 皖西力军 2023-12-22 15:35
[国语单音轨] [阿里云盘][血钻(2006)][国语中字][1080P][MKV-2.4G] attach_img agree  ...2 whblady 2023-12-16 10528 皖西力军 2023-12-22 15:40
[国语单音轨] [阿里云盘][私奔B计划 (2012)][国语中字][1080P][MKV-3.67G] attach_img agree whblady 2023-12-16 9574 xiangsong919 2024-4-23 11:24
[国语单音轨] 【百度云】[美国] 最后大亨 The Last Tycoon (1976) 720px264【国语】 mkv 3.93G - [售价 21 游币] attach_img agree  ...234 sanjk 2023-12-16 36952 moon1260 5 天前
[国语单音轨] [爱尔兰/法国/冰岛/美国/墨西哥/比利时/英国/中国香港][2019][教授与疯子][1080P][2.9GB][国语] attach_img agree  ...2 CCTV6CHCCMC 2023-12-16 10592 wujingyi1115 2023-12-22 15:41
[国语单音轨] [阿里云盘][美丽心灵的永恒阳光(2004)][国语中字][1080P][MKV-4.57G] attach_img agree  ...2 whblady 2023-12-15 10554 xiangsong919 2024-4-12 11:17
[国语单音轨] [阿里云盘][洛城机密(1997)][国语中字][1080P][MKV-4G] attach_img agree  ...2 whblady 2023-12-15 14713 Shanhengchen 2024-4-9 09:04
[国语单音轨] [百度网盘][命运石之门0 24集][[国语][每集约300mb] - [售价 20 游币] attach_img agree scp基金会 2023-12-15 8511 Chrisyang 2023-12-23 13:42
[国语单音轨] [百度网盘][旋风管家第4季12集][[国语][每集约300mb] - [售价 20 游币] attach_img agree scp基金会 2023-12-15 2241 ming_boy 2023-12-23 13:42
[国语单音轨] [百度网盘][旋风管家第3季12集][[国语][每集约300mb] - [售价 20 游币] attach_img agree scp基金会 2023-12-15 7315 ming_boy 2023-12-23 13:42
[国语单音轨] [百度网盘][旋风管家第二季25集][[国语][每集约600mb] - [售价 20 游币] attach_img agree scp基金会 2023-12-15 7303 ming_boy 2023-12-18 21:25
[国语单音轨] [百度网盘][旋风管家第一季52集][[国语][每集约200mb] - [售价 20 游币] attach_img agree scp基金会 2023-12-15 2279 ming_boy 2023-12-19 18:33
[国语单音轨] [百度网盘][狼与香辛料第二季13集][[国语][每集约500mb] - [售价 20 游币] attach_img agree scp基金会 2023-12-15 8344 ming_boy 2023-12-18 21:23
[国语单音轨] [百度网盘][狼与香辛料第一季13集][[国语][每集约500mb] - [售价 20 游币] attach_img agree scp基金会 2023-12-15 8421 jazz2222 2024-3-13 10:07
[国语单音轨] [百度网盘][噬魂师51集][[国语][每集约500mb] - [售价 20 游币] attach_img agree [版主“admin”已阅] ...2 scp基金会 2023-12-15 10436 jisong0429 2024-1-22 10:30
[国语单音轨] [百度网盘][炎炎消防队第一季24集][[国语][每集约500mb] 新人帖 - [售价 20 游币] attach_img agree scp基金会 2023-12-15 7402 皖西力军 2023-12-22 15:45
[国语单音轨] [阿里云盘][黑天鹅(2010)][国语中字][1080P][MKV-3.75G] attach_img agree  ...2 whblady 2023-12-14 10578 lylcn 2023-12-25 15:02
[国语单音轨] [阿里云盘][黑色星期天(1999)][国语中字][1080P][MKV-4.9G] attach_img agree  ...2 whblady 2023-12-14 10608 mmlai 2024-1-2 10:06
[国语单音轨] [阿里云盘][惊天危机 (2013)][国语中字][1080P][MKV-5.97G] attach_img agree  ...2 whblady 2023-12-12 12759 hly237 2023-12-21 11:05
[国语单音轨] [百度云]《木乃伊系列4部》[国语配音][中文字幕][1080P][14G][MKV] - [售价 10 游币] attach_img heatlevel agree  ...2345 ljh618 2023-12-12 481057 panzhibo 2024-4-22 09:46
[国语单音轨] 【633轰炸大队】[百度网盘][1964][英国/美国][1080p][mkv-9.52G][国语/外挂中英双字] - [售价 40 游币] attach_img agree  ...2 家德 2023-12-11 11559 xilihuala 2023-12-26 15:38
[国语单音轨] [阿里云盘][我的野蛮女友(2001)][国语中字][1080P][MKV-3.54G] attach_img agree  ...23 whblady 2023-12-11 23982 yuanbing123 2024-3-14 18:17
[国语单音轨] [阿里云盘][通缉令 (2008)][国语中字][1080P][MKV-3.86G] attach_img agree  ...2 whblady 2023-12-11 16883 sawexciew 2024-1-22 13:52
[国语单音轨] [阿里云盘][小姐导演加长版][韩国(2016)][国语中字][1080P][MKV-7.36G] attach_img agree  ...2 whblady 2023-12-10 151143 向阳花的季节 2024-1-2 15:49
[国语单音轨] [阿里云盘 ][色即是空完整版(2002)][国语中字][1080P][MKV-4.16G] attach_img heatlevel agree  ...234 whblady 2023-12-9 362119 liucongjia 2024-4-13 09:36
[国语单音轨] [阿里云盘][黄昏的清兵卫.(2002)][国语中字][1080P][MKV-3.3G] attach_img agree  ...2 whblady 2023-12-9 16700 asdf2 2024-4-21 21:15
[国语单音轨] 【百度云】【纳瓦隆大炮 国语版】【1080P】【mp4】【3.57G】(麻烦点一下评分) - [售价 30 游币] attach_img agree  ...23 鼻行兽 2023-12-9 21797 winkwinkwink 2023-12-25 23:48
[国语单音轨] 【百度云】【莫斯科陷落2 国语版】【1080P】【mp4】【3.74G】(麻烦点一下评分) - [售价 30 游币] attach_img agree  ...2 鼻行兽 2023-12-9 11644 cljjj 2023-12-25 18:52
[国语单音轨] 【百度云】【莫斯科陷落 国语版】【1080P】【mp4】【3.8G】(麻烦点一下评分) - [售价 30 游币] attach_img agree 鼻行兽 2023-12-9 8491 心动地带 2024-1-1 22:02
[国语单音轨] 【百度云】【奶酪陷阱 国语版】【1080P】【mp4】【3.96G】(麻烦点一下评分) - [售价 30 游币] attach_img agree 鼻行兽 2023-12-9 7434 ccmnn 2023-12-25 23:49
[国语单音轨] 【百度云】【迷失Z城 国语版】【1080P】【mp4】【3.96G】麻烦点一下评分 新人帖 - [售价 30 游币] attach_img agree  ...2 鼻行兽 2023-12-9 15676 zxb135 2024-1-18 22:24
[国语单音轨] [法国/美国/英国][2018][憨豆特工3][1080P][2.3GB][国语] attach_img agree  ...2 CCTV6CHCCMC 2023-12-9 18640 champion001 2023-12-17 10:52
[国语单音轨] 【百度盘】【神秘拼图/人骨拼图.The.Bone.Collector..八一公映】【BD720P]10G】 - [售价 40 游币] attach_img agree  ...23 kaharman 2023-12-8 21611 lr1988 2024-4-17 18:25
[国语单音轨] [百度云]《007系列26部》[国语配音][中文字幕][1080P][104G][MKV] - [售价 50 游币] attach_img heatlevel agree  ...23456..9 ljh618 2023-12-7 821534 dzjaveson 6 天前
[国语单音轨] 【杀出个黎明3部 】[1996-1999][百度云][1080][MKV/7.51GB][国语中字] - [售价 40 游币] attach_img agree  ...2345 hanson1 2023-12-6 51869 dagang 2024-4-18 14:04
[国语单音轨] 【魔诫坟场 1994】[百度云][1072P][MKV/1.57GB][国语无字] - [售价 40 游币] attach_img  ...2 hanson1 2023-12-6 15529 asurakingddw 2024-3-21 20:55
[国语单音轨] 【城市猎人】[2018][百度云][法国][4K][MKV/1.44GB][国语/中字] - [售价 40 游币] attach_img agree  ...23 hanson1 2023-12-5 35686 lizhiyuan554499 前天 00:24
[国语单音轨] 【超级8 】[2011][百度云][1080P][MKV/2.05GB][自压上译国语/中英双字] - [售价 40 游币] attach_img agree  ...23 hanson1 2023-12-5 51716 guiguzhi2020 2024-3-20 14:47
[国语单音轨] 【地狱男爵3 血皇后崛起 2019】[百度云][1080P][MKV/3.30GB][国语/中字] - [售价 20 游币] attach_img heatlevel agree  ...2345 hanson1 2023-12-4 721085 沉默的多数派 2024-4-2 08:00
[国语单音轨] [阿里云盘][白头神探(1-3)][国语中字][1080P][MP4-8.3G] attach_img agree  ...2 whblady 2023-12-2 18861 呵呵真二啊 2024-1-7 07:10
[国语单音轨] [挪威][2018][白天鹅之恋(花滑女王)][1080P][3.1GB][国语] attach_img agree CCTV6CHCCMC 2023-12-2 9542 jdqx008 2024-2-15 09:48
[国语单音轨] [阿里云盘][何以为家.Capernaum(2018)][国语音轨][1080P][MKV-4.4G] attach_img agree  ...2 whblady 2023-11-30 16733 clxx007008 2024-1-2 15:24
[国语单音轨] 【灰姑娘/整容惊魂】[百度网盘][2006][韩国][1080p][mp4 2.28GB][东森台配国语/中字] - [售价 100 游币] attach_img agree  ...23 ccmnn 2023-11-28 20769 13329501291 2024-4-14 18:38
[国语单音轨] 战略大作战.Kellys.Heroes.1970.720p.国语配音中字.mkv 1.9GB - [售价 30 游币] attach_img agree  ...2 likh 2023-11-25 17468 chgu 前天 21:46
[国语单音轨] [美国][2017][马戏之王][1080P][3.4GB][国语] attach_img agree  ...2 CCTV6CHCCMC 2023-11-25 15695 zhaopian506 2023-11-30 17:52
[国语单音轨] 魔术师和消失的女孩 (国语中字) - [售价 10 游币] attach_img agree  ...2 a1329971 2023-11-22 13896 hszqs85299 2024-3-7 09:44
[国语单音轨]  [国语韩剧][橱窗:女王的家/女王之家][全24集 20.7G][繁体字幕 台配国语 MP4][1080P线上版]  ...2 iqooyu 2023-11-19 12683 mmfly 2024-1-2 15:41
[国语单音轨] 【百度网盘】(高清修复)辽艺版海底小精灵之许愿珍珠 - [售价 60 游币] attach_img agree  ...2 东莫村 2023-11-18 15810 369374 2024-1-2 15:42
[国语单音轨] 【百度网盘】(高清修复)辽艺版海底小精灵之化妆舞会 - [售价 40 游币] attach_img agree 东莫村 2023-11-18 7474 raziel 2024-1-2 15:42
[国语单音轨] 【百度网盘】(高清修复)辽艺版海底小精灵之海星的诞生 - [售价 50 游币] attach_img agree 东莫村 2023-11-18 6630 黄瓜0007 2024-1-2 15:42
[国语单音轨] 【韩剧国语配音】再次我的人生台配国语1080p线上版 agree  ...2 iqooyu 2023-11-17 11907 wujingyi1115 2024-1-2 15:43
[国语单音轨] [阿里云]【肖申克的救赎】[1994][美国][1080P][国语中字/英语中字][3.16G/2.6G][MP4] - [售价 50 游币] attach_img  ...2 hao348926850 2023-11-16 181022 Rensj1 2024-1-2 15:46
[国语单音轨] [阿里云盘][印尼][突袭.The.Raid(1-2)][1080P][11G] attach_img agree  ...2 whblady 2023-11-16 131106 158669843 2024-3-28 14:59
[国语单音轨] 鬼马双镖客.Almost.Heroes.1998.1080p.WEBRip.x264.国语配音无字-[YTS.LT].mkv 1.52GB - [售价 30 游币] attach_img agree  ...23 likh 2023-11-15 29880 azdzd 2024-3-13 10:04
[国语单音轨] 48小时闯天关.Another.48.Hrs..1990.1080p.BluRay.x264.国语配音中字-[YTS.MX].mkv 1.65GB - [售价 40 游币] attach_img  ...2 likh 2023-11-15 16691 fspwfel 2024-3-25 16:55
[国语单音轨] 白色猎人黑色心.White.Hunter.Black.Heart.1990.1080p.WEBRip.x264.国语配音无字-[YTS.MX].mkv 1.9G - [售价 30 游币] attach_img agree  ...23 likh 2023-11-15 23779 鼻行兽 2023-12-12 12:18
[国语单音轨] [阿里云]【漂亮女人/风月俏佳人】[1990][美国][1080P][MP4][3.47G][国语中字] - [售价 50 游币] attach_img  ...23 hao348926850 2023-11-15 291343 karle 2024-3-31 20:55
[国语单音轨] 【百度云】苏捷斯卡战役 Sutjeska (1973)国语中字 MKV 1.36GB - [售价 20 游币] attach_img agree  ...2 kose520 2023-11-14 13850 独孤一保 2024-4-9 08:09
[国语单音轨] [阿里云盘][西班牙][看不见的客人.Contratiempo(2016)][1080P][3.73G] attach_img agree  ...2 whblady 2023-11-14 131541 wujingyi1115 2024-1-28 15:04
[国语单音轨] [百度云][美国][2017][正义联盟加长版][动作/科幻][中英字幕]台配 attach_img agree  ...2 xt80810308 2023-11-14 19758 yujie4400995 2024-1-28 15:03
[国语单音轨] 电锯惊魂6 Saw VI.2009.1080p.国语配音中字.MKV.1.65GB - [售价 30 游币] attach_img agree  ...2 likh 2023-11-12 13667 gdhjfkhh 2024-4-2 09:29
[国语单音轨] 电锯惊魂5 Saw V.2008.1080p.国语配音中字.MKV.1.77GB - [售价 30 游币] attach_img agree  ...2 likh 2023-11-12 13538 gdhjfkhh 2024-4-2 09:28
[国语单音轨] 电锯惊魂4 Saw IV.2007.1080p.国语配音中字.mkv.1.85GB - [售价 30 游币] attach_img agree  ...2 likh 2023-11-12 14601 gdhjfkhh 2024-4-2 09:17
[国语单音轨] 电锯惊魂3 Saw III.2006.1080p.国语配音中字.mkv.2.12GB - [售价 30 游币] attach_img  ...2 likh 2023-11-12 18653 gdhjfkhh 2024-4-2 09:26
[国语单音轨] 电锯惊魂2.Saw II.2005.1080p.国语配音中字.mkv.1.77GB - [售价 30 游币] attach_img  ...2 likh 2023-11-12 17550 gdhjfkhh 2024-4-2 09:27
[国语单音轨] 电锯惊魂 Saw.2004.1080p.国语配音中字.mkv.1.95GB - [售价 30 游币] attach_img  ...23 likh 2023-11-12 23760 3114529716 3 天前
[国语单音轨] 活死人归来3 Return of the Living Dead III.1993.720p.国语配音中字.mkv.1.96GB - [售价 30 游币] attach_img  ...234 likh 2023-11-12 32935 fanjing406 7 天前
[国语单音轨] 活死人归来2 Return of the Living Dead Part II 1988.720p.国语配音中字.mkv.1.61GB - [售价 30 游币] attach_img  ...23 likh 2023-11-12 23779 kkkcc123 2024-4-23 21:04
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