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公告 公告: 新手指南(网站使用必读) admin 2021-4-8    
[特效字幕] 【百度云】天气之子 天気の子 (2019)【中日双字特效字幕】【SUP.超精细.610M.巨著.收藏】(纯字幕,不含视频,您懂的) attach_img heatlevel agree  ...23456..33 siyvqiqi 2020-8-1 32015227 lintao5226 前天 23:22
[特效字幕] 完美陌生人.Perfetti.Sconosciuti.2016.国配简体特效字幕 attachment heatlevel agree [版主“hkouun”已阅] ...23456..18 hkouun 2019-7-10 17112365 cjh199 前天 22:46
[特效字幕] 【开心兔原创字幕】光灵 Bright (2017)SUP蓝光特效双字 attach_img heatlevel  ...2345 开心兔 2020-2-26 454674 mxbwg 3 天前
[特效字幕] [百度][火星救援(加长版)][The.Martian.2015.EXTENDED.中英sup特效字幕] 新人帖 - [售价 20 游币] heatlevel agree  ...23456..14 tzzhougun 2020-3-26 13410755 熊的传说 3 天前
[特效字幕] 铁甲钢拳 SUP特效字幕 attach_img heatlevel agree  ...23456..14 心辰 2019-4-3 13210005 熊的传说 3 天前
[特效字幕] [八一公映]垫底辣妹.Birigyaru.2015.国配简体ASS特效字幕 attach_img heatlevel agree [版主“hkouun”已阅] ...23456..16 hkouun 2018-11-5 15711615 WUJIANHUI 3 天前
[特效字幕] 【开心兔原创】镜中人 Look Away (2018) 中英双字SUP特效字幕 attach_img heatlevel agree  ...23456..11 开心兔 2020-3-20 1027874 AKDY 3 天前
[特效字幕] 【开心兔原创】全面回忆 Total Recall (2012)--无删减公映国配+双语国配等等四种SUP字幕 attach_img heatlevel agree  ...23456..20 开心兔 2020-3-20 19511834 haiwuya8 4 天前
[特效字幕] 生化危机1-6 全是4K SUP特效中英字幕 - [售价 20 游币] attach_img heatlevel agree  ...23456..10 josan511 2022-11-13 964971 53470776 4 天前
[特效字幕] 暮光之城5部曲.蓝光版SUP特效字幕 attach_img heatlevel agree  ...23456..35 心辰 2019-4-10 34316792 kuidi8610 5 天前
[特效字幕] 第九区 SUP特效字幕 attach_img heatlevel agree  ...23456..15 心辰 2019-4-6 14712101 kuidi8610 5 天前
[特效字幕] 绿皮书.Green.Book.2018纯特效ASS简体中文字幕 attachment heatlevel agree [版主“hkouun”已阅] ...2345 hkouun 2022-11-10 472997 西红杮炒番茄 5 天前
[特效字幕] [全网首发]恋恋笔记本.The.Notebook.2004.央视国配特效简体字幕 attachment heatlevel agree [版主“hkouun”已阅] ...23456..10 hkouun 2019-2-3 918858 Lence 5 天前
[特效字幕] 【精品字幕】绿皮书 sup中英精制特效字幕 - [售价 20 游币] attach_img heatlevel agree  ...23456..9 juick2009 2019-6-29 8511071 andyzou23 5 天前
[特效字幕] 海王.IMAX.1080p.BluRay.中英特效 attach_img heatlevel  ...23456..44 心辰 2019-4-10 43422536 缘分天注定 5 天前
[特效字幕] 疾速特攻 疾速追杀2.动态特效简英双字.匹配原盘.ASS【评分免费】 - [售价 30 游币] attach_img heatlevel agree  ...23456 khkxj 2019-2-23 587199 i8588 5 天前
[特效字幕] 大黃蜂.1080p.BluRay-简繁中英SUP特效字幕 attach_img heatlevel agree  ...23456..15 心辰 2019-4-10 14112549 熊的传说 5 天前
[特效字幕] 【六区国配】勇敢的心/惊世未了缘.Braveheart.1995.特效六区国配ASS字幕 attach_img heatlevel [版主“hkouun”已阅] ...23456..11 hkouun 2020-11-1 1078744 jackie1970 5 天前
[特效字幕] 【央视国配】勇敢的心/惊世未了缘.Braveheart.1995.特效央视国配ASS字幕 attach_img heatlevel agree [版主“hkouun”已阅] ...23456..12 hkouun 2020-11-1 1107268 goose 5 天前
[特效字幕] 【非洲Africa】【BBC】【英文解说中英双语真特效字幕】 - [售价 30 游币] attach_img heatlevel  ...2345 kisshzj 2020-3-4 453876 danny_boy 6 天前
[特效字幕] 已失效!敦刻尔克 Dunkirk .2017.简英特效字幕SUP 新人帖 - [售价 3 游币] attach_img agree  ...2 btcw 2024-3-29 16223 nico_cage 6 天前
[特效字幕] [完美精校]明日边缘 Edge of Tomorrow(2014)双语ASS国配字幕 新人帖 attach_img agree wind8428 2020-1-31 72123 nico_cage 6 天前
[特效字幕] 霍比特人.The Hobbit.2012-2014.中英文特效字幕整合 attach_img heatlevel  ...23456..18 心辰 2019-4-14 17114614 dby1963 6 天前
[特效字幕] 烈火战车/火之战车.Chariots.Of.Fire.1981.央视国配特效ASS简体中文字幕 attach_img [版主“hkouun”已阅] ...234 hkouun 2023-1-16 362211 summeryoujh 6 天前
[特效字幕] 木乃伊1 The.Mummy.1999.BluRay个人原创ASS简中特效字幕 attach_img agree  ...2 393754923 2020-3-11 122324 nico_cage 7 天前
[特效字幕] 低俗小说 SUP特效字幕 attach_img heatlevel agree  ...23456..23 心辰 2019-4-6 22316240 kakasaly1 7 天前
[特效字幕] 【开心兔原创字幕】修女 The Nun (2018)----ASS+SUP蓝光双语字幕 attach_img heatlevel agree [版主“admin”已阅] ...23456 开心兔 2020-2-25 536364 kevin22 7 天前
[特效字幕] 【开心兔原创字幕】终结者:黑暗命运 Terminator: Dark Fate (2019)----ASS+SUP蓝光双语字幕 attach_img heatlevel agree  ...23456..18 开心兔 2020-2-25 17512422 kurami1984 7 天前
[特效字幕] 素媛.소원.2013.韩国.中英特效字幕 attachment heatlevel agree [版主“hkouun”已阅] ...23456..7 hkouun 2020-10-27 625692 鄉下有田我不耕 2024-4-5 13:21
[特效字幕] 【开心兔原创字幕】【匹配蓝光版已更新】勇敢者游戏2:再战巅峰 Jumanji: The Next Level (2019) 中英双字+上译国配中字SUP特效字幕 attachment heatlevel agree  ...23456..28 开心兔 2020-3-4 28515649 缘分天注定 2024-3-30 12:56
[特效字幕] 忍者神龟2:破影而出.特效简英双字.ASS.【60多处特效重新校正,很辛苦的】【评分免费】 attach_img heatlevel agree  ...2345 khkxj 2019-2-25 454632 szpszp 2024-3-25 19:28
[特效字幕] 特种部队.G.I. Joe.2009-2013.中英文特效字幕整合 attach_img heatlevel agree  ...23456 心辰 2019-4-11 567103 hds3219 2024-3-24 22:28
[特效字幕] 惊奇队长.Captain.Marvel.2019.IMAX.Edition.1080p.BluRay.中英特效字幕.ASS - [售价 10 游币] attachment heatlevel [版主“hkouun”已阅] ...23456..10 hkouun 2019-10-20 937895 gan4764 2024-3-16 13:46
[特效字幕] [头号玩家]Ready.Player.One.BluRay.2018.sup特效[精调] 新人帖 - [售价 20 游币] attachment heatlevel agree  ...23456..14 dean02916 2018-7-11 13614495 conan666 2024-3-12 22:19
[特效字幕] 安娜贝尔2:诞生 SUP特效字幕 attach_img heatlevel  ...2345 心辰 2019-4-3 475597 v26v26 2024-3-8 09:40
[特效字幕] 宫崎骏电影《侧耳倾听》中文特效字幕 attachment 龙将军 2022-11-9 4904 v26v26 2024-3-8 08:45
[特效字幕] 太平洋战争 血战太平洋 特效简英双字.ASS【评分免费】 - [售价 30 游币] attachment heatlevel agree  ...23456 khkxj 2019-2-23 505934 toby666 2024-2-20 16:04
[特效字幕] 【精品字幕】毒液:致命守护者 Venom sup中英特效 新人帖 - [售价 20 游币] attach_img heatlevel agree  ...23456..7 juick2009 2019-6-22 688445 一懒众山小 2024-2-3 16:07
[特效字幕] 二凤.Furie.2019.特效公映国配简体ASS字幕 attach_img heatlevel agree [版主“hkouun”已阅] ...23456..10 hkouun 2022-10-2 965144 慢慢社区乌龙 2024-1-31 08:16
[特效字幕] 生化危机.Resident Evil.2002-2016.中英文特效字幕整合 attach_img heatlevel  ...23456..10 心辰 2019-4-14 909337 一懒众山小 2024-1-26 10:02
[特效字幕] 【开心兔原创字幕】魔法保姆麦克菲2 Nanny McPhee Returns (2010)----ASS+SUP蓝光双语字幕 attachment heatlevel  ...2345 开心兔 2020-2-25 475513 luck_ 2024-1-24 11:24
[特效字幕] 黑客帝国.The Matrix.1999-2003.中英文特效字幕整合 - [售价 10 游币] attachment heatlevel agree  ...23456..8 心辰 2019-4-11 719976 btcw 2024-1-21 21:57
[特效字幕] 速度与激情.The Fast and the Furious.2001-2017.中英文特效字幕整合 - [售价 10 游币] attach_img heatlevel agree  ...23456..7 心辰 2019-4-11 656805 一懒众山小 2024-1-19 08:57
[特效字幕] 1408幻影凶间 SUP特效字幕 attach_img heatlevel agree  ...23456..7 心辰 2019-4-6 697683 lhchenbo 2024-1-6 11:11
[特效字幕] 碟中谍.Mission.1996-2018.中英文特效字幕整合 attachment heatlevel [版主“hkouun”已阅] ...23456..9 心辰 2019-4-11 889786 7923 2024-1-5 08:40
[特效字幕] 白宫坠落 惊天危机.特效字幕[无聊老生].匹配原盘.ASS 200处特效重新校正位置【评分免费】 - [售价 30 游币] attach_img heatlevel agree [版主“勇者Link”已阅] ...23456..10 khkxj 2019-2-23 989660 一懒众山小 2023-12-20 02:36
[特效字幕] 【精品字幕】调音师 sup简体特效字幕 - [售价 20 游币] attach_img heatlevel  ...2345 juick2009 2019-6-24 435733 一懒众山小 2023-12-15 13:43
[特效字幕] 【精品字幕】冷血追击 sup简英特效字幕 - [售价 20 游币] attach_img heatlevel  ...23456 juick2009 2019-6-24 597635 皖西力军 2023-12-14 22:19
[特效字幕] 异形:契约.特效简英双字.匹配原盘.ASS【评分免费】 - [售价 30 游币] attach_img  ...2 khkxj 2019-2-28 162396 cau308 2023-12-14 09:42
[特效字幕] 木乃伊3 The.Mummy.Tomb.Of.The.Dragon.Emperor.2008.BluRay原创ASS简中特效字幕 attach_img 393754923 2020-3-28 71534 呵呵真二啊 2023-12-13 12:30
[特效字幕] 木乃伊2 The.Mummy.Returns.2001.BluRay个人原创ASS简中特效字幕 attach_img agree 393754923 2020-3-21 102683 黄金牛 2023-12-13 10:50
[特效字幕] 超时空要塞II 再爱一次 特效字幕 attachment 龙将军 2023-11-8 4347 kivsoook 2023-11-26 05:10
[特效字幕] 【精品字幕】雷霆沙赞sup中英精制特效字幕 - [售价 20 游币] attachment heatlevel agree [版主“admin”已阅] ...2345 juick2009 2019-6-29 435516 bn4e62 2023-11-6 07:16
[特效字幕] 杀人鳄鱼潭 Killer Crocodile (1989) - [售价 5 游币] attach_img agree  ...2 789666 2022-9-26 151500 bn4e62 2023-11-6 06:10
[特效字幕] 狮子王 The Lion King (2019) sup中英特效字幕 93.2M-百度网盘 - [售价 30 游币] attach_img  ...23 gpgp 2019-10-21 235756 nothing2046 2023-10-9 16:36
[特效字幕] 【开心兔原创字幕】魔法保姆麦克菲 Nanny McPhee (2005)----ASS+SUP蓝光双语字幕 attachment heatlevel agree  ...23456 开心兔 2020-2-25 515060 shmily620 2023-10-7 12:32
[特效字幕] [百度云] 异形:契约.特效简繁双语中字.匹配原盘.SUP【评分免费】 - [售价 30 游币] attach_img agree  ...23 khkxj 2019-2-28 263485 20210315wanhui 2023-9-16 16:49
[特效字幕] [上译公映]刺客信条.Assassin's.Creed.2016.国配中英特效字幕 - [售价 10 游币] attach_img heatlevel  ...23456..8 hkouun 2018-7-27 799818 大白菜A 2023-9-3 08:48
[特效字幕] 忌日快乐 SUP特效字幕 attach_img heatlevel agree [版主“勇者Link”已阅] ...23456..9 心辰 2019-4-6 869016 大白菜A 2023-9-1 21:04
[特效字幕] 【精品字幕】惊奇队长sup中英精制特效字幕 - [售价 20 游币] attach_img heatlevel agree [版主“admin”已阅] ...23456..13 juick2009 2019-6-22 12812782 lpdlm 2023-9-1 21:03
[特效字幕] 【精品字幕】少年派的奇幻漂流 sup简英特效字幕 - [售价 20 游币] attach_img heatlevel agree [版主“admin”已阅] ...23456..9 juick2009 2019-6-24 808652 大白菜A 2023-9-1 07:14
[特效字幕] 小弟求个字幕是变形金刚2 4K的时长是2.29.53,是特效字幕 新人帖 attach_img laohuts 2023-8-26 5452 laohuts 2023-8-31 20:45
[特效字幕] 两个情人.Two Lovers.2008.蓝光.央视国语匹配字幕 - [售价 20 游币] attachment agree  ...2 aa0018 2020-3-7 102200 roury 2023-8-2 01:10
[特效字幕] 斯隆女士.特效简英双字.匹配原盘.ASS.【评分免费】 - [售价 30 游币] attach_img agree  ...2 khkxj 2019-2-24 192689 tsly 2023-8-2 01:10
[特效字幕] 旅程终点.特效简英双字.ASS.匹配原盘【评分免费】 - [售价 15 游币] attach_img agree khkxj 2019-2-24 81681 bn4e62 2023-7-25 11:29
[特效字幕] (sup双语特效字幕)蜘蛛侠:英雄远征 Spider-Man: Far from Home (2019) 230M-百度网盘 - [售价 30 游币] attach_img  ...23 gpgp 2019-10-21 203177 geneman 2023-7-25 11:27
[特效字幕] 【精品字幕】海王 sup简英特效字幕 - [售价 20 游币] attach_img heatlevel agree [版主“勇者Link”已阅] ...23456 juick2009 2019-6-24 526732 geneman 2023-7-25 11:27
[特效字幕] 【精品字幕】蚁人2 sup简英特效字幕 - [售价 20 游币] attach_img heatlevel agree [版主“勇者Link”已阅] ...2345 juick2009 2019-6-24 425318 gdkxk 2023-7-24 10:13
[特效字幕] [BBC][完美星球 A perfect planet](2021)[全五集]中英双语字幕 新人帖 attach_img agree  ...23 ts风火海 2021-1-12 223157 gdkxk 2023-7-24 10:13
[特效字幕] 完美星球第一季全五集自制中英特效字幕,完美匹配2160p,附字体文件 ... attachment agree  ...2 376115135 2021-1-20 152115 376115135 2023-7-23 10:09
[特效字幕] 分享部分特效字幕 详见截图 - [售价 30 游币] attach_img  ...2 gpgp 2019-8-27 112912 山童 2023-7-23 10:03
[特效字幕] 【远鉴字幕组&Orange字幕组】古墓丽影:源起之战 【SUP中英特效双字】【百度网盘】 - [售价 20 游币] attach_img agree blzs 2021-11-29 71302 ananlar 2023-7-22 09:56
[特效字幕] 【国配】雷霆沙赞2:众神之怒Shazam.Fury.of.the.Gods.2023.sup特效字幕 新人帖 attach_img agree  ...2 Lence 2023-4-12 142231 令狐十三刀 2023-7-22 09:42
[特效字幕] 卡罗尔.特效简英双字.匹配原盘.ASS【评分免费】 - [售价 30 游币] attach_img agree  ...2 khkxj 2019-2-22 182636 hdj780223 2023-6-4 10:55
[特效字幕] 【精品字幕】碟中谍6 sup简英特效字幕 - [售价 20 游币] attach_img agree  ...234 juick2009 2019-6-24 324895 tree9142 2023-5-22 16:41
[特效字幕] 飞踢天使特效中文字幕 attachment [版主“admin”已阅] 龙将军 2023-4-23 4528 潜水的小白龙 2023-4-24 11:33


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